Amanda Boomen | Publisher


Amanda founded TheHomeMag in March of 2017. She has a passion for helping her customers grow their business. Since it's launch in 2017 TheHomeMag Minnesota has won many national awards including Top Launch!

Jennifer Sorensen | Account Executive


Jenny joined our team with a seven year history of providing home improvement companies with strong leads! Jenny's empathetic and personable yet bold approach allows her clients to trust she will work tirelessly on their behalf. Jenny is passionate about delivering results for her clients to help their businesses grow.

Ali Wiese | Graphic Designer

Ali has over 20 years of graphic design and print experience and joined TheHomeMag in August 2020. She is committed to producing high-quality, creative, and impactful visual messages and is pleased to play a role in helping businesses grow throughout the Des Moines area.

Gretchen Gale | Operations Manager

Gretchen joined our team with a strong background in customer service and keeping customers happy. We’re proud to have her as a part of our team- helping our clients grow their businesses!